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Vision & Mission




KLE Society KLE College of Law, Navi Mumbai is determined to achieve exceptional higher legal education and establish eminent research institute in Maharashtra in order to best serve the needs of the students and nurture them holistically to take social responsibility. Our aim is to create a stellar legal institute that produces eminent lawyers who not only excel in their specialization but focus on uplifting the society.


  • To impart world class legal education by promoting hunger for knowledge and critical thinking among students.
  • To promote equality by providing quality legal education to all sectors of the society within the four walls of our classrooms and nurturing the students with practical exposure to make them viable for court practice.
  • To create social minded advocates who have sound ethical and legal values.
  • To ensure that the students imbibe the values of rule of law and the objectives enshrined in the Constitution of India.
  • To develop human resources sensitive to contemporary and social issues.
  • To instill curiosity among students in order to continue expanding their knowledge at the national and international level.